
Jayne is a young Mum with a busy professional job who has limited time for shopping for herself. She welcomed the opportuntiy to take time out for herself and update her professional wardrobe.

Jayne loves colour. The colour in Trenery’s current Spring / Summer Collection I thought would be perfect.

The result speaks for itself. Jayne selected pieces that can be mixed and matched and that provide a great base for further refreshes of her wardrobe.

“I cannot recommend Linda more highly. Linda suggested some beautiful pieces that were also suitable for my body shape and lifestyle. Linda understood versatility was important to me and incorporated this into the session. I also greatly valued Linda’s expert guidance using colour and accessories.
As a mother of a young family, I really enjoyed working with Linda to freshen up my wardrobe, which I otherwise wouldn’t have had the opportunity to do.”

Mood Boards
On the Catwalk
Seasonal Trends
What’s New
Case Studies
Inspired By Colour
Aims – Indy Bindy Fabrics

Aims – Indy Bindy Fabrics

Discover how small styling changes and tailoring can make a huge difference to how well clothes fit and look on you.



After her styling session, Maddie texted, “Thank you again for everything. I had a great time and learned a lot!” Discover what was involved.



Learn how I came to create Cathy’s look!



Fiona aspires to a stylish no fuss capsule wardrobe that she feels confident in. It was a delight to help her achieve that outcome.

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