Costume design inspired style
18 Feb 2022

Why women kill season 1 & 2

During the height of lockdowns in 2021, Season 1 of a dark comedy called Why Women Kill aired in Australia on SBS.

While the story lines were engaging it was the costume design by Janie Bryant that was the star of the show.


Season 1 is set in three eras, the 60’s, 80’s and the present day.

In the 60’s the costumes are worn by a well to do middle class American homemaker. As the character evolves the clothes get brighter and the silhouette becomes equally bold with skirts pushed to the max with petticoats. Not the most comfortable clothing but the character looked amazing.

The styling of the 80’s character is equally mesmerizing. The gold shimmers and seems to slip off the screen. Did we ever wear quite so much gold lame! The shoulders were high and wide, and the hips narrow. The opulence of the 80’s is very much on show.

For the present day storyline the main character’s clothes speak to a pre COVID way of dressing. Quietly but beautifully cut suits. Head to toe in single colours with texture added by different fabrics. The heels are pre COVID high – thank you Mr Louboutin. Streamlined is the word that comes to mind to describe this chararacter’s style. The clothes are as beautiful and efficient as the wearer. The jewellery for the 80’s character was as ostentatious as the clothes while the pieces worn by the character in the present day have an edgy highly personal feel.


Season 2 arrived in 2022.

Set solely in the 40’s what else can be said, but oh my – the hats! This time the main character is not a size 0 and so we see how a normal size person can become ever so chic. The waists are cinched, the bust elevated and upfront and the jewellery is colourful. The gardening looks later in the season are a joy.

What can we learn style wise looking at the four periods covered by the show?

Colour and bold silhouettes are clear winners. Finding your silhouette and the accessories that work to enhance it help create a complete look.

The show beautifully illustrates that you do not need to slavishly follow what is around you. Taking the elements that work with and for you and making conscious choices about how you put pieces together creates something that is uniquely you.

If all that seems to hard, then enjoy watching the show where the costumes have been so beautifully curated for you.

Ready to update your style? Check out the styling packages available from Bottlegreen and Yellow Personal Styling.

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